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গ ইউনিট (2006-2007) || 2006

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inappropriately storing cooked food
keeping cold food always cold
keeping hot food always hot
Be careful about bacteria
prevent food poisonig at home
eat poison free food
avoid serving food properly
protect your health
Enrich your knowledge about bacteria
do not eat at any party
learn how to destroy bacteria
clean your hands before cooking
donot go o any outside party for dinner
don not keep raw foods
cook food at safe temperature
young surdents staying at hostels
officers staying at office for more than 12 hours
older people with weaker immune system
healt scientisist
keping cold food always cold
keeping hot food always hot
cooking food at safe temperature
not serving food properly
protect your health
Enrich your knowledge about bacteria
do not eat at any party
learn how to destroy bacteria
clean your hands before cooking
Do not go to any outside party for dinner
don not keep raw foods
cook food at safe temperature
young surdents staying at hostels]
officers staying at office for more than 12 hours
older people with weaker immune system